Minor in Biomedical Sciences
Offered by the Departments of Biomedical Sciences and Microbiology & Immunology in the College of Veterinary Medicine.
Educational Objectives: The undergraduate minor in Biomedical Sciences is designed for the life sciences major considering a pre-professional curriculum (pre-medical or -veterinary) or a career in biomedical research (graduate school). The minor comprises undergraduate courses taught primarily by faculty within the College of Veterinary Medicine in Animal Physiology and Microbiology and Immunology. The courses offered will provide depth and breadth in subject areas covered in the preclinical professional medical or veterinary curriculum. An important focus will be on animal and human disease processes, with an emphasis on animal physiology and infection biology.
All undergraduates focusing on life sciences are eligible to participate in this minor except for Biology majors.
This Minor can be completed with 12-17 credit hours of required and elective coursework. Minor Advisors will be available to provide guidance on career development of pre-professional undergraduates.
Academic Standards: A minimum course grade of C- is required in each course within the minor. A cumulative GPA of > 2.0 is required for all courses within the minor.
Biomedical Sciences Required Coursework:
One of the following two courses is required:
BIOAP 3110 Principles of Animal Physiology (Fall, 3 credits)
BIOMS 4150 Essential Immunology (Fall, 3 credits)
Elective Coursework (Four additional courses must be taken; at least one course must be taken from each of the Core Groups):
Animal Physiology Core Group:
BIOMS/BIOAP 3110** – Principles of Animal Physiology (Fall, 3 credits)
BIOMS/BIOAP 3160 - Cellular Physiology (Spring, 3 credits)
BIOMS/BIOAP 3190 - Laboratory in Physiology (Fall, 4 credits)
BIOMS/BIOAP 4130 - Histology: The Biology of the Tissues (Spring, 4 credits)
BIOMS/BIOAP/BIONB 4140 - Principles of Pharmacology (Spring, 3 credits)
ANSC/BIOAP 4270 - Fundamentals of Endocrinology (Fall, 3 credits)
BIOMS/BIOAP 4580 - Mammalian Physiology (Spring, 3 credits)
ANSC/BIOAP 3410 - Biology of the Mammary Gland in Health and Disease (Spring, 2 credits)
BIOMG 4390/BIOMG 6391 - Molecular Basis of Disease (Spring, 3 credits)
Microbiology and Immunology Core Group:
BIOMS 4150**- Essential Immunology (Fall, 3 credits)
BIOMI 3210 - Human Microbes and Health (Fall, 3 credits)
BIOMS/BIOMI 3310 - General Parasitology (Spring, 2 credits)
BIOMS 3350 - Wildlife Parasitology (Summer, 2 credits) (Inactive)
BIOMS/BIOMI 4040 - Pathogenic Bacteriology (Spring, 2-3 credits)
BIOMS/BIOMI 4090 - Principles of Virology (Fall, 3 credits)
BIOMS/BIOMI 4310 - Medical Parasitology (Fall, 2 credits)
BIOMS 4311 - Paleoparasitology (Spring, 1 credit)
BIOMS 4340 - Cellular and Molecular Microbial Pathogenesis: The Host/Pathogen Interplay (Spring, 3 credits)
** If you take BIOAP 3110 as your required course, you may elect to take BIOMS 4150 (previously 3150) as an elective course in the Microbiology and Immunology Core Group below. If you take BIOMS 4150 (previously 3150) as your required course, you may elect to take BIOAP 3110 as an elective course in the Animal Physiology Core Group.
How to receive credit for the Minor Program of Study in Biomedical Sciences:
- Meet with Faculty Advisor and with Dr. Dorothy Debbie (Microbiology and Immunology) or Dr. Adam Boyko (Animal Physiology) to discuss your interests in Biomedical Sciences and decide which courses you will take to satisfy the minor.
- Submit a copy of the Minor in Biomedical Sciences form to Kietarah Czebiniak-Mancini in the Department of Biomedical Sciences (emailed form preferred). Retain a copy for your records and provide a copy to your major advisor for her/his records.
- Complete the courses required for the BMS minor.
- In the final semester prior to graduation, bring a copy of your transcript to either Drs. Debbie or Boyko. Upon verification of the successful completion of all requirements, Drs. Debbie or Boyko will sign the form required for the minor.
- Return the signed form to Kietarah Czebiniak-Mancini in the Department of Biomedical Sciences (emailed form preferred) who will notify the registrar of your successful completion.
Contact Information:
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Dr. Dorothy Debbie
C4-111 Veterinary Medical Center
Alexia Zobel
C5 177 Veterinary Medical Center
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Dr. Adam Boyko
T3-006 Veterinary Research Tower
Kietarah Czebiniak-Mancini
T4-018 Veterinary Research Tower