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Philip Aquadro, D.V.M. ’88, receives Pennsylvania's Veterinarian of the Year Award

Philip Aquadro, D.V.M. ’88, received the 2019 Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association and Animal Care PA Veterinarian of the Year Award during the organizations’ Hall of Fame Awards Dinner in August.

The Veterinarian of the Year Award is given to a PVMA member for an outstanding achievement in veterinary medicine within the year in which the award is given.

Excerpt from PVMA's press release:

Serving the rural areas of Central PA through his years of mixed animal practice at Town and Country Animal Hospital in Warriors Mark, he has been a mentor to many new graduates and veterinarians over the years while also providing outstanding care to all the animals, big or small, that come his way.

Embodying what all strive to be in this profession, he has taught many a mentee about the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of veterinary medicine, always willing to be there to lend a hand or a sympathetic ear. Be it handling a difficult case, handling a difficult client, or just handling a difficult animal, he has done it all and is more than willing to impart that wisdom and expertise to the next generation of vets.

 A press release from PVMA along with a complete list of the winners is available online.