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Dr. Howie Evans shares memories in "The Consult" animated series

Editor's note: Dr. Evans turns 100 years old on September 22, 2022. On behalf of the entire College of Veterinary Medicine, we wish him a very happy centennial birthday!

Brought to you by the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM), The Consult is an audio series that shares alumni, faculty and student conversations.

This episode, "The Most Interesting Adventure of All," features Howie Evans and Scott Teague. Howie Evans ’44, Ph.D. ’50, professor emeritus of anatomy, has taught thousands of veterinary students since 1950 and led alumni on 30 Cornell Adult University adventures around the globe. His passion for teaching, curiosity for all living creatures, and office full of strange and wonderful specimens has influenced countless CVM graduates. One such former student, Scott Teague, D.V.M. ’99, had the chance to sit down with Evans at Reunion to ask him about his long and wondrous career.

Visit The Consult playlist here:

Video: White Knight Productions