Dentistry Practical Skills Courses
Dentistry is a growing trend in veterinary practice, and Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine is committed to creating a series of continuing education courses to help clinicians review important skills and prepare for dental care in their practice. In collaboration with ESS, two of Cornell’s expert veterinary dentists, Drs. Nadine Fiani and Santiago Peralta, created a group of completely online courses using live-animal videos, animations, models, and interactive puzzles to illustrate and clearly demonstrate principles and skills. The structure is intended to guide learners in obtaining and interpreting appropriate diagnostic clinical and radiographic information, followed by a treatment plan based on pertinent findings. The material is covered in a logical and interactive manner and can be completed at the learner’s own pace. This series is ongoing, and eventually seeks to offer a comprehensive lineup of dentistry courses on the practical aspects of diagnostics and procedures performed in general clinical practice.
Courses in Series:
Intraoral Radiology of the Dog (Released 2020 - 4.5 RACE Credits)
Conscious Oral Exam (Released 2021 - 3.5 RACE Credits)
Oral Exam Under Anesthesia (Releasing Fall 2021 - 1.5 RACE Credits)
Periodontal Treatment and Extractions (Release & Credits TBD)
Faculty Vision
There are many continuing education dentistry courses available. Most of them are either theoretical in nature or conducted in a cadaver-based wet-lab format. The Cornell Veterinary Dentistry Practical Skills Course Series is intended to allow the clinician to review important practical skills and information in a logical and interactive manner at their own pace. The knowledge gained can then be immediately implemented in the clinical setting.