Michael Zurakowski

Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
Senior Extension Associate
Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
Ithaca, NY 14853
Office: 518.255.5681
Email: mjz6@cornell.edu
Research Interest
Veterinary Diagnostics, Foreign Animal Diseases, Emergency Response, Secure Food Supply, Food Safety and Foodborne Pathogens, Farm Biosecurity, Microbiology.
- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine August 2004
Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, St. Kitts, West Indies
Clinical Training: Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, Mixed Track - Bachelor of Science June 1993
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Maryland, Biological Sciences
Biography/Professional Experience
- 2005-present Animal Health Diagnostic Center, Quality Milk Production Services, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Cobleskill, NY
Senior Extension Associate Veterinarian - 2005-present Banfield Pet Hospital, Niskayuna, NY, Relief Veterinarian, small animal practice
- 2004-2005 Research Animal Diagnostic Laboratory (RADIL) Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, University of Missouri-Columbia, MI
Postdoctoral Research Fellow - 1998-2001 Animal Health Diagnostic Center, Quality Milk Production Services, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Ithaca, NY
Microbiologist/Laboratory Supervisor - 1994-1998 Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Resources Division, Brunswick Georgia Fisheries Biologist I
- 1991-1994 United States Department of Agriculture, Milk Secretion and Mastitis Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, MD Technical Assistant
- Zurakowski MJ, Cudoc G, 400K Beat It! Prevent New Infections Before They Become a Problem, Eastern
Dairy Business July 2011. - Schukken YH, Bennett GJ, Zurakowski MJ, Sharkey HL, Rauch BJ, Thomas MJ, Ceglowski B, Saltman RL,
Belomestnykh N, Zadoks RN. Randomized clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of a 5-day ceftiofur
hydrochloride intramammary treatment on non-severe Gram-negative clinical mastitis. J Dairy Sci. 2011 Dec;
94(12):6203-15. - Latorre AA, Van Kessel JA, Karns JS, Zurakowski MJ, Pradhan AK, Boor KJ, Adolph E,
Sukhnanand S, Schukken YH. Increased in vitro adherence and on-farm persistence of predominant and
persistent Listeria monocytogenes strains in the milking system.
Appl Environ Microbiol. 2011 Jun; 77(11):3676-84. - Pradhan AK, Mitchell RM, Kramer AJ, Zurakowski MJ, Fyock TL, Whitlock RH, SmithJM, Hovingh E, Van
Kessel JS, Karns JS, Schukken YH. Molecular Epidemiology of Mycobacterium avium subsp.
paratuberculosis in a Longitudinal Study of Three Dairy Herds. J Clinical Microbiol 2011 Mar p. 893-901. - Latorre AA, Van Kessel JS, Karns JS, Zurakowski MJ, Pradhan AK, Boor KJ, Jayarao BM, Houser BA,
Daugherty CS, Schukken YH. Biofilm in milking equipment on a dairy farm as a potential source of bulk tank
milk contamination with Listeria monocytogenes. J Dairy Sci. 2010 Jun; 93(6):2792-802. - Latorre AA, Van Kessel JA, Karns JS, Zurakowski MJ, Pradhan AK, Zadoks RN, Boor KJ, Schukken YH.
Molecular ecology of Listeria monocytogenes: evidence for a reservoir in milking equipment on a dairy farm.
Appl Environ Microbiol. 2009 Mar;75(5):1315-23. - Schukken YH, González RN, Tikofsky LL, Schulte HF, Santisteban CG, Welcome FL, Bennett GJ, Zurakowski
MJ, Zadoks RN. CNS mastitis: nothing to worry about? Vet Microbiol. 2009 Feb 16;134(1-2):9-14. - Zurakowski, MJ. Are You Adding Fuel to Your Mastitis Fire, Northeastern Dairy Business Jan 2009.
- Schukken YH, González RN, Tikofsky LL, Schulte HF, Santisteban CG, Welcome FL,
Bennett GJ, Zurakowski MJ, Zadoks RN. CNS Mastitis: Nothing to Worry About? Vet Microbiol. 2009 Feb
16;134(1-2):9-14 - Zurakowski, MJ. Who’s That Sleeping in My Bed, Northeast Dairy Business Sept 2007.
- Zurakowski, MJ. The Pervasive Prototheca and It’s Impact, Northeastern Dairy Business Oct 2005.
- Zurakowski, MJ. Prototheca Mastitis in a New York State Dairy, Cornell University Senior Seminar 2004.
- González RN, Wilson DJ, Sickles SA, Zurakowski MJ, Weybrecht PM, Walsh AK. Outbreaks of clinical
mastitis caused by Trichosporon beigelii in dairy herds. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2001 Jan 15; 218(2):238-42. - Zurakowski, MJ. Recurrent Bovine Mastitis due to Escherichia coli, QMPS Survey Results. Workshop,
Cornell University, 1999. - Gonzalez, RN, GJ Bennett, SA Sickles, MJ Zurakowski, D.St. Hilaire, DV Nydam, The Impact of Prototheca
Mastitis on Milk Quality and Herd Management. 1999, Proceedings 91st Annual Conference for
Veterinarians, Cornell University, p. 151-154. - Lahti, PM, EMLilius, MJ Paape, CE Malstrom, MJ Zurakowski, Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) response in
Bovine Mammary Secretions and Blood After Intra-mammary Injection of Endotoxin. Abstract, Department
of Biochemistry, University of Turku, Finland and Milk Secretion and Mastitis Laboratory, USDA-ARS,
ADSA/ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, 1994.
Professional/Academic Affiliations
- 2013 Society for Quality Assurance
- 2013 Mid-Atlantic Regional Chapter SQA
- 2008-present Northeast US Animal Health Association
- 2008-present American Association of Bovine Practitioners
- 2006-present American Veterinary Medical Association
- 2005-Present National Mastitis Council
- 1995-1998 American Fisheries Society