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Carolyn Kokko, MS, DVM

Carolyn Kokko

Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences

Assistant Professor of Practice and Director of the Teaching Dairy Barn

Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
Ithaca, NY 14853

Office: 607.253.4075

Research Interest

Dairy nutrition with a focus on fiber digestibility, production efficiencies, & youngstock; neonatal calf health & transition management; on-farm data & record analysis; milk quality.


  • 2016- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University (Production)
  • 2010- Master of Science, University of California Davis (Ruminant Nutrition)
  • 2006- Bachelor of Arts, University of New Hampshire (International Relations/ Italian/ Political Science)

Biography/Professional Experience

  • 2022 - 2025, Dairy Consultant & Nutritionist
    DairyNext, Ithaca, NY
  • 2018 - 2025, Associate Large Animal Veterinarian
    Midstate Veterinary Service, PLLC, Cortland, NY
  • 2016 - 2018, Associate Dairy Veterinarian
    Keseca Veterinary Clinic, PLLC, Geneva, NY
  • 2010 - 2012, Nutrition Research Fellow
    William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute, Chazy, NY
  • 2006-2008, NH Food Export Coordinator
    USDA, Portsmouth, NH


Refereed Publications

  • M.D. Miller, C. Kokko, C.S. Ballard, H.M. Dann, M. Fustini, A. Palmonari, K.W. Cotanch, and R.J. Grant. 2020. "Influence of fiber degradability of corn silage in diets with lower and higher fiber content on lactational performance, nutrient digestibility, and ruminal characteristics in lactating Holstein cows." Journal of Dairy Scienc. 104(2): 1728-1743.
  • H. M. Dann, S. M. Fredin, K. W. Cotanch, R. J. Grant, C. Kokko, P. Ji, and K. Fujita. 2015. "Effects of corn-based reduced-starch diets using alternative carbohydrate sources on performance of lactating Holstein cows." Journal of Dairy Science. 98(6):4041-54.
  • C. Kokko, K. J. Soder, A. F. Brito, R. C. Hovey, and R. Berthiaume. 2013. "Effect of time of cutting and maceration on nutrient flow, microbial protein synthesis, and digestibility in dual-flow continuous culture." Journal of Animal Science. 91(4):1765-1774.


  • C. Kokko, H. M. Dann, K. W. Cotanch, J. W. Darrah, and R. J. Grant. 2012. "Lactational performance, chewing behavior, and ruminal fermentation of dairy cows fed diets differing in amount and digestibility of NDF from two sources of corn silage." Journal of Dairy Science. 95 (Suppl. 2):609. Cornell Nutrition Conference 2011; American Dairy Science Association Joint Annual Meeting 2012.
  • H. M. Dann, K. W. Cotanch, C. Kokko, K. Fujita, and R. J. Grant. 2012. "Effect of carbohydrate source on performance and ruminal responses of dairy cows fed low-starch diets." Journal of Dairy Science. 95 (Suppl. 2):612. American Dairy Science Association Joint Annual Meeting 2012
  • Ji, P., C. S. Ballard, R. E. Clark, B. M. Sweeney, and C. Kokko. 2012. "Assessment of lysine released from rumen-protected lysine products exposed to high and low moisture TMR over 24 hours." Journal of Dairy Science. 95(Suppl.2):356. American Dairy Science Association Joint Annual Meeting 2012.
  • Ji, P., C. S. Ballard, R. E. Clark, B. M. Sweeney, and C. Kokko. 2012. "Does mechanical mixing of TMR compromise protection efficacy of rumen-protected lysine products?" Journal of Dairy Science. 95(Suppl.2):356. American Dairy Science Association Joint Annual Meeting 2012.
  • K. W. Cotanch, C. Kokko, H. M. Dann, J. W. Darrah, and R. J. Grant. 2012. "Amount and digestibility of NDF affects rumen nutrient pool sizes and passage kinetics of dairy cows." Journal of Dairy Science. 95 (Suppl. 2):614. Cornell Nutrition Conference 2011; American Dairy Science Association Joint Annual Meeting 2012.
  • K. W. Cotanch, C. Kokko, H. M. Dann, J. W. Darrah, R. J. Grant, and D. R. Mertens. 2012. "Passage of liquid and fiber particles in dairy cows fed diets differing in NDF from conventional and BMR corn silages." Journal of Dairy Science. 95 (Suppl. 2):616. Cornell Nutrition Conference 2011; American Dairy Science Association Joint Annual Meeting 2012.

Professional/Academic Affiliations

  • American Association of Bovine Practitioners
  • American Association of Equine Practitioners
  • American Veterinary Medical Association
  • New York State Veterinary Medical Society
  • New York State Cattle Health Assurance Program Certification
  • APHIS Level II Accreditation