Karel A. Schat, DVM, PhD

Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Professor Emeritus of Avian Virology & Immunology
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
C5 149 VMC
Ithaca, NY 14853
Office: 607.253.4032
Fax: 607.253.3384
Email: kas24@cornell.edu
Research Interest
Biography/Professional Experience
Recent Publications:
Schat, K.A., K. Nagaraja, and M. Saif. Pullorum disease: Evolution of the eradication strategy. Avian Diseases, 65: 227–236, 2021.
Challagulla, A., K.A. Schat, and T.J. Doran. In vitro inhibition of influenza virus using CRISPR/Cas13a in chicken cells. Methods Protoc. 4, 40. https://doi.org/10.3390/mps4020040. 2021.
Tong, M., A. Karawita, C. Kern, H. Zhou, J. Sinclair, L. Yan, K.Y. Chew, Sue Lowther, L. Trinidad, A. Challagulla, K. A. Schat, M. Baker, K. Short. Primary chicken and duck endothelial cells display a differential response to infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus. Genes 12, 901. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes12060901. 2021.
Schat, K.A. History of the first generation Marek’s disease vaccines: the science and little known facts. Avian Dis. 60:715-724. 2016.
Smyth, J.A. and K.A. Schat. Chicken anemia virus. In: A Laboratory Manual for the Isolation, Identification and Characterization of Avian Pathogens, 6th ed., S.M Williams. L. Dufour-Zavala, M.J. Jackwood, M.D. Lee, B. Lupiani, W.M. Reed, E. Spackman, and P.R. Woolcock, eds. American Association of Avian Pathologists. Jacksonville, FL. pp 183-188. 2016.
Sellers, H.S. and K.A. Schat. Cell culture methods. In: A Laboratory Manual for the Isolation, Identification and Characterization of Avian Pathogens, 6th ed., S.M Williams. L. Dufour-Zavala, M.J. Jackwood, M.D. Lee, B. Lupiani, W.M. Reed, E. Spackman, and P.R. Woolcock, eds. American Association of Avian Pathologists. Jacksonville, FL. pp 327-338. 2016.
Schat, K.A. Chicken Anemia Virus Infection. In: The Merck Veterinary Manual. 11th ed. S. Aiello, D.G. Allen, P.D. Contable, A. Dart, P.R. Davies, K.E. Quesenberry, P.T. Reeves, J.M. Sharma, eds. Merck & Co. Rahway, NJ. Pp 2785-2787. 2016.
Jackwood, D.J., K.A. Schat, L.O. Michel, and J. J. de Wit. A proposed nomenclature for infectious bursal disease virus isolates. Avian Pathol. 60:576-584, 2018.
Gimeno, I.M. and K.A. Schat. Virus-induced immunosuppression in chickens. Avian Dis. 62:272–285, 2018.
Schat, K.A. Chicken infectious anemia. In: Avian Virology: Current Research and Future Trends. S.K. Samal, ed. Caister Academic Press. Pp 241-287, 2019.
da Silva, A. P., K.A. Schat and R. A. Gallardo. Cytokine responses in tracheas from MHC congenic chicken lines with distinct susceptibilities to infectious bronchitis virus. Avian Dis. 64:36-45, 2020.
Challagulla, A., K.A. Jenkins, T.E. O’Neil, K.R. Morris, T.G. Wise, M.L. Tizard, A.G.D. Bean, K.A. Schat, and T.J. Doran. Germline engineering of the chicken genome using CRISPR/Cas9 by in vivo transfection of PGCs. Animal Biotech. pp 1-10. doi: 10.1080/10495398.2020.1789869. Online ahead of print. 2020.
Schat, K.A. and V.L. van Santen. Chicken infectious anemia and circovirus infections in commercial flocks. Diseases of Poultry 14th ed. D.E. Swayne, M. Boulianne, C.M. Logue, L.R. McDougall, V. Nair, D.L. Suarez, eds. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ. pp 284-320, 2020.
Challagulla A, Jenkins KA, O’Neil TE, Shi S, Morris KR, Wise TG, Paradkar PN, Tizard ML, Doran TJ, Schat KA. In Vivo Inhibition of Marek’s Disease Virus in Transgenic Chickens Expressing Cas9 and gRNA against ICP4. Microorganisms. 2021; 9(1):164.
Schat, K.A. and M.A. Skinner. Immunosuppressive diseases and immune evasion. In: Avian Immunology 3th ed. B. Kaspers, K.A. Schat, T. Göbel and L. Vervelde, eds. Elsevier. In press.
Wigley, P., P. Barrow, and K.A Schat. The reproductive immune system. In: Avian Immunology 3th ed. B. Kaspers, T. Göbel and L. Vervelde, eds. Elsevier. In press.
Awards and Honors
Professional/Academic Affiliations