Manigandan Lejeune Virapin, PhD, DipACVM

Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
Associate Professor of Practice
Director, Clinical Parasitology
Director, Molecular Diagnostics
Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
Ithaca, NY 14853
Office: 607.253.3581
Research Interest
- Studying host-parasite interactions that involves disciplines like pathology, immunology, molecular biology and gastroenterology
- Developing diagnostics for veterinary parasites/pathogens
- Studying biodiversity of parasites of North American wildlife
- Doctor of Philosophy – Ph.D., 2011 University of Calgary; Alberta, Canada
- Master of Veterinary Sciences (Parasitology) – M.V.Sc., 2001 Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad, India
- Bachelor of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry - B.V.Sc. & A.H., 1999 Rajiv Gandhi College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, India
Biography/Professional Experience
- 2016-2016: Specialist – Diagnostic Parasitology, Diagnostic Service Unit, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary
- 2010-2016: Wildlife Parasitologist, Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC), Department of Ecosystem and Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary, Canada
- 2002-2004: Senior Research Fellow, Department of Veterinary Parasitology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Bareilly, India
- 2001-2002: Senior Research Fellow & Research Associate Department of Veterinary Parasitology, College of Veterinary Science, Tirupati, India
- Chaudhry, U., Van Paridon, B., Lejeune, M., Shabbir, M.Z., Rashid, M.R., Ashraf, K., Ashraf, S., Gilleard, J., Sargison, N., 2017, Morphological and molecular identification of Explanatum explanatum in domestic water buffalo in Pakistan. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports, 8: 54-59
- Slater, O.M., Peters-Kennedy, J., Lejeune, M., Gummer, D., Macbeth, B., Warren, A., Joseph, T., Li, H., Cunha, C.W., & Duignan, P.J. 2017, Sheep-Associated Malignant Catarrhal Fever–Like Skin Disease in a Free-Ranging Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis), Alberta, Canada. Journal of wildlife diseases, 53(1): 1-6
- Verocai, G.G.; Lejeune, M.; Skorobohach, B.; Wilcock, B.; Gilleard, J. S. 2016, Onchocerca lupi Nematodes in Dogs Exported from the United States into Canada. Emerging Infectious diseases, 22(8): 1477-79.
- Pruvot, M., Lejeune, M., Kutz, S.J., Hutchins, W., Musiani, M., Massolo, M., & Orsel, K. 2016, Better Alone or in Ill Company? The Effect of Migration and Inter-species Comingling on Fascioloides magna Infection in Elk. PLos One, 11(7): e0159319.
- Dergousoff, S.J., Lysyk, T.J., Kutz, S.J., Lejeune, M., & Elkin, B.T. 2016, Human-Assisted Dispersal Results in the Northernmost Canadian Record of the American Dog Tick, Dermacentor variabilis (Ixodida: Ixodidae). Entomological News, 126(2):132-137.
- Kafle, P., Lejeune, M., Verocai, G.G., Hoberg, E.P., & Kutz, S.J., 2015, Morphological and morphometric differentiation of dorsal-spined first stage larvae of lungworms, (Nematoda: Protostrongylidae) infecting muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) in the Central Canadian Arctic. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. 2015; 4(3):283-90.
- Catalano, S., Lejeune, M., Tizzani, P., Verocai, G.G., Schwantje, H., Nelson, C., & Duignan, P.J. 2015, Helminths of grizzly and American black bears in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada. Canadian journal of zoology, 93(10):765-772.
- Catalano, S., Lejeune, M., Van Paridon, B., Pagan, C.A., Wasmuth, J.D., Tizzani, P., Duignan, P.J., Nadler, S.A. 2014, Morphological variability and molecular identification of Uncinaria spp. (Nematoda: Ancylostomatidae) from grizzly and black bears: new species or phenotypic plasticity? Journal of Parasitology, 101(2): 182-92.
- Lejeune, M., Moreau, F., Chadee, K. 2014, Loss of EP2 receptor subtype in colonic cells compromise epithelial barrier integrity by altering Claudin-4. PLos one, 9(11), e113270.
- Rothenburger, J.L., Himsworth, C.G., Lejeune, M., Treuting, P.M., Leighton, F.A. 2014, Lesions associated with Eucoleus sp. in the non-glandular stomach of wild urban rats (Rattus norvegicus). International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, Aug; 3(2): 95–101.
- Rothenburger, J.L., Himsworth, C.G., Chang, V., Lejeune, M., Leighton, F.A. 2014, Capillaria hepatica in wild Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) from Vancouver, Canada. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. Jul; 50(3): 628-33
- Catalano, S., Lejeune, M., Verocai, G.G., Duignan, P.J. 2014, First report of Taenia arctos (Cestoda: Taeniidae) from grizzly (Ursus arctos horribilis) and black bears (Ursus americanus) in North America. Parasitology International, 63(2), 389-391.
- Verocai, G.G., Lejeune, M., Finstad, G.L., Kutz, S.J. 2013, A Nearctic parasite in a Palearctic host: Parelaphostrongylus andersoni (Nematoda; Protostrongylidae) infecting semi-domesticated reindeer in Alaska. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 2(1), 119-123.
- Goplen, M., Lejeune, M., Cornick, S., Moreau, F., Chadee, K. 2013, Entamoeba histolytica contains an occludin-like protein that can alter colonic epithelial barrier function. Plos one, 8(9), e73339.
- Liccioli, S., Duignan, P.J., Lejeune, M., Deunk, J., Majid, S. & Massolo, A. 2013, A new intermediate host for Echinococcus multilocularis: The southern red-backed vole (Myodes gapperi) in urban landscape in Calgary, Canada. Parasitology International, 62(4), 355-357.
- Verocai, G.G., Schock, D.M., Lejeune, M., Warren, A.L., Duignan, P.J. & Kutz, S.J. 2013, Oslerus osleri (Metastrongyloidea; Filaroididae) in Gray Wolves (Canis lupus) from Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. Apr; 49(2): 422-6.
- Lavikainen, A., Haukisalmi, V., Deksne, G., Holmala, K., Lejeune, M., Isomursu, M., Jokelainen, P., Näreaho, A., Laakkonen, J., Hoberg, E.P. & Sukura, A. 2013, "Molecular identification of Taenia spp. in the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) from Finland", Parasitology, vol. 140, no. 5, pp. 653-662.
- Verocai, G.G., Lejeune, M., Beckmen, K.B., Kashivakura, C.K., Veitch, A.M., Popko, R.A., Fuentealba, C., Hoberg, E.P. & Kutz, S.J. 2012, "Defining parasite biodiversity at high latitudes of North America: New host and geographic records for Onchocerca cervipedis (Nematoda: Onchocercidae) in moose and caribou", Parasites & Vectors, pp. 242.
- Catalano, S*., Lejeune, M*., Liccioli, S., Verocai, G.G., Gesy, K.M., Jenkins, E.J., Kutz, S.J., Fuentealba, C., Duignan, P.J. & Massolo, A. 2012, "Echinococcus multilocularis in urban coyotes, Alberta, Canada", Emerging Infectious Diseases, vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 1625-1628. [* Denotes equal contribution]
- Liccioli, S., Catalano, S., Kutz, S.J., Lejeune, M., Verocai, G.G., Duignan, P.J., Fuentealba, C., Hart, M., Ruckstuhl, K.E. & Massolo, A. 2012, "Gastrointestinal parasites of coyotes (Canis latrans) in the metropolitan area of Calgary, Alberta, Canada", Canadian journal of zoology, vol. 90, no. 8, pp. 1023-1030.
- Liccioli, S., Catalano, S., Kutz, S.J., Lejeune, M., Verocai, G.G., Duignan, P.J., Fuentealba, C., Ruckstuhl, K.E. & Massolo, A. 2012, "Sensitivity of double centrifugation sugar fecal flotation for detecting intestinal helminths in coyotes (Canis latrans)", Journal of wildlife diseases, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 717-723.
- Saravanan, B.C., Bansal, G.C., Manigandan, L., Sankar, M., Ravindran, R. & Rao, J.R. 2011, "Development of a non-radioactive probe generated by RAPD-PCR for the detection of Theileria annulata", Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, vol. 81, no. 11, pp. 1089-1092.
- Lejeune, M., Moreau, F. & Chadee, K. 2011, "Prostaglandin E2 produced by Entamoeba histolytica signals via EP4 receptor and alters claudin-4 to increase ion permeability of tight junctions", American Journal of Pathology, vol. 179, no. 2, pp. 807-818.
- Lejeune, M., Leung, P., Beck, P.L. & Chadee, K. 2010, "Role of EP4 receptor and prostaglandin transporter in prostaglandin E2-induced alteration in colonic epithelial barrier integrity", American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, vol. 299, no. 5, pp. G1097-G1105.
- Hirota, S.A., Fines, K., Ng, J., Traboulsi, D., Lee, J., Ihara, E., Li, Y., Willmore, W.G., Chung, D., Scully, M.M., Louie, T., Medlicott, S., Lejeune, M., Chadee, K., Armstrong, G., Colgan, S.P., Muruve, D.A., MacDonald, J.A. & Beck, P.L. 2010, "Hypoxia-Inducible Factor Signaling Provides Protection in Clostridium difficile-Induced Intestinal Injury", Gastroenterology, vol. 139, no. 1, pp. 259-269.
- Lejeune, M.*, Rybicka, J.M*. & Chadee, K. 2009, "Recent discoveries in the pathogenesis and immune response toward Entamoeba histolytica", Future Microbiology, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 105-116. [* Denotes equal contribution]
- Dey, I.*, Lejeune, M.* & Chadee, K. 2006, "Prostaglandin E2 receptor distribution and function in the gastrointestinal tract", British journal of pharmacology, vol. 149, no. 6, pp. 611-623. [* Denotes equal contribution]
Updated list:
Professional/Academic Affiliations
- 2016 – Present: American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD)
- 2016 – Present: World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP)
- 2015 – Present: Food and Environment Parasitology Network - Canada (FEPN)
- 2014 – Present: American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists (AAVP)
- 2014 – Present: American Society for Parasitologists (ASP)
- 2013 – Present: American College of Veterinary Microbiologists (ACVM)
- 2012- 2013: Entomological society of Canada (ESC)
- 2011 – Present: Wildlife Disease Association (WDA)
- Life Member: Indian Association for Advancement of Veterinary parasitology (IAAVP)
- Life Member: Indian Society of Parasitology (ISP)
- Life Member: Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialist (IAVPHS)