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Todd Olmstead, PhD, MS

Todd Olmstead

Department of Public & Ecosystem Health

Associate Professor

Public & Ecosystem Health

Cornell Public Health

Department of Public & Ecosystem Health
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
Ithaca, NY 14853


Research Interests

  • Health economics
  • Cost-benefit analysis
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis
  • Cost-utility analysis


  • Ph.D., Public Policy, Harvard University, 2000
  • M.S., Operations Research, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1994
  • M.S., Industrial Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1989
  • B.S., Industrial Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1987

Biography/Professional Experience

  • 2024 – present: Associate Professor, Department of Public and Ecosystem Health, Cornell University
  • 2013-2024: Associate Professor of Public Affairs (with tenure), Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin
  • 2012-2013: Associate Professor of Public Policy (with tenure), School of Public Policy, George Mason University 
  • 2009-2012: Assistant Professor of Public Policy, School of Public Policy, George Mason University 
  • 2007-2009: Assistant Professor (Research), University of Connecticut Health Center
  • 2002-2006: Associate Research Scientist, School of Public Health, Yale University
  • 2002-2003: Research Fellow, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
  • 2000-2002: Associate Consultant, McKinsey & Company Inc.
  • 1987-1991: Operations Research Analyst, Union Carbide Industrial Gases Inc.

Selected Publications

Journal Articles

  • Olmstead, TA, Spencer, J, Kluz, N, Zhan, FB, Shokar, NK, and MP Pignone, “Costs and Projected Impact of a Federally Qualified Health Center-Based Mailed Colorectal Cancer Screening Program in Texas”, Preventing Chronic Disease, forthcoming.
  • Jayakumar, P, Mills, Z, Triana, B, Moxham, J, Olmstead, TA, Wallace, S, Bozic, K, and K Koenig, “A Model for Evaluating Total Costs of Care and Cost Savings of Specialty Condition-based Care for Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis in an Integrated Practice Unit”, Value in Health, 26, 1363-1371, 2023. 
  • Zhan, FB, Liu, Y, Yang, M, Kluz, N, Olmstead, TA, Spencer, J, Shokar, NK, Cruz, RL, and MP Pignone, “Using GIS to Identify Priority Sites for Colorectal Cancer Screening Programs in Texas Health Centers”, Preventing Chronic Disease, 20, e10, 2023. 
  • Yin, Z, Liang, Y, Howard, JT, Errisuriz, V, Estrada, VM, Martinez, C, Li, S, Ullevig, S, Sosa, E, Olmstead, TA, Small, S, Ward, DS, and D Parra-Medina, “¡Míranos! a Comprehensive Preschool Obesity Prevention Program in Low-Income Latino Children: One-year Results of a Clustered Randomized Controlled Trial”, Public Health Nutrition, 26, 476-487, 2023.
  • Olmstead, TA, Pacula, RL, Alessi, SM, and J Scott, “Most Recent, Modal, or Median Heroin Purchase: Does it Matter When Estimating Market Size?”, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 241, 2022.
  • Olmstead, TA, Rathouz, PJ, Casey, KA, Abzug, TA, and SM Strakowski, “Economic Evaluation of a Crisis Residential Program in Austin, Texas”, Psychiatric Services, 73, 346-348, 2022.
  • Pignone, M, Lanier, B, Kluz, N, Valencia, V, Chang, P, and TA Olmstead, “Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Mailed FIT in a Safety Net Clinic Population”, Journal of General Internal Medicine, 36, 3441-3447, 2021.
  • Olmstead, TA, Martino, S, Ondersma, SJ, Gilstad-Hayden, K, Forray, A, and KA Yonkers, “The Short-Term Impact on Economic Outcomes of SBIRT Interventions Implemented in Reproductive Health Care Settings”, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 120, 2021.  
  • Olmstead, TA, Yonkers, KA, Forray, A, Zimbrean, P, Gilstad-Hayden, K, and S Martino, “Cost and Cost-Effectiveness of Three Strategies for Implementing Motivational Interviewing for Substance Misuse on Medical Inpatient Units”, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 214, 2020.
  • Yonkers, KA, Dailey, JI, Gilstad-Hayden, K, Ondersma, SJ, Forray, A, Olmstead, TA, and S Martino, “Abstinence Outcomes among Women in Reproductive Health Centers Administered Clinician or Electronic Brief Interventions”, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 113, 2020.
  • Olmstead, TA, Yonkers, KA, Ondersma, SJ, Forray, A, Gilstad-Hayden, K, and S Martino, “Cost-Effectiveness of Electronic and Clinician-Delivered Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment for Women in Reproductive Health Centers”, Addiction, 114, 1659-1669, 2019.
  • Martino, S, Zimbrean, P, Forray, A, Kaufman J, Desan, P, Olmstead, TA, Gilstad-Hayden, K, Gueorguieva, R, and K Yonkers, “Implementing Motivational Interviewing for Substance Misuse on Medical Inpatient Units: A Randomized Controlled Trial”, Journal of General Internal Medicine, 34, 2520-2529, 2019.
  • Olmstead, TA, Graff, FS, Ames-Sikora, AA, McCrady, BS, Gaba, A, and EE Epstein, “Cost-Effectiveness of Individual versus Group Female-Specific Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Alcohol Use Disorder”, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 100, 1-7, 2019.
  • Yin, Z, Ullevig, S, Sosa, S, Liang, Y, Olmstead, TA, Howard, JT, Errisuriz, V, Estrada, VM, Martinez, C, He, M, Small, S, Schoenmakers, C, and D Parra-Medina, “Study Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial to Test "¡Míranos! Look at Us, We Are Healthy!" - an Early Childhood Obesity Prevention Program”, BMC Pediatrics, 19(1), 190, 2019.
  • Forray, A, Martino, S, Gilstad-Hayden, K, Kershaw, T, Ondersma, SJ, Olmstead, TA, and KA Yonkers, “Assessment of an Electronic and Clinician-Delivered Brief Intervention on Cigarette, Alcohol and Illicit Drug Use Among Women in a Reproductive Healthcare Clinic”, Addictive Behaviors, 96, 156-163, 2019.
  • Martino, S, Ondersma, SJ, Forray, A, Olmstead, TA, Howell, H, Gilstad-Hayden, K, Kershaw, T, and KA Yonkers, “A Randomized Controlled Trial of Screening and Brief Interventions for Substance Misuse in Reproductive Health”, The American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 218:322.e1-12, 2018.
  • Rash, C, Ginley, M, Olmstead, TA, and N Petry, “Contingency Management Treatment in Cocaine Using Methadone Maintained Patients With and Without Legal Problems”, Drug and Alcohol Dependence,180, 208-214, 2017.
  • Petry, N, Alessi, S, Olmstead, TA, Rash, C, and K Zajac, “Contingency Management Treatment for Substance Use Disorders: How Far Has It Come, and Where Does It Need To Go?”, Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 31:8, 897-906, 2017.
  • Martino, S, Paris, M, Anez, L, Nich, C, Canning-Ball, M, Hunkele, K, Olmstead, TA, and KM Carroll, “The Effectiveness and Cost of Clinical Supervision for Motivational Interviewing: A Randomized Controlled Trial,” Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 68, 11-23, 2016.
  • Olmstead, TA, Alessi, SM, Kline, B, Pacula, RL, and N Petry, “The Price Elasticity of Demand for Heroin: Matched Longitudinal and Experimental Evidence,” Journal of Health Economics, 41, 59-71, 2015.
    Martino, S, Zimbrean, P, Forray, A, Kaufman J, Desan, P, Olmstead, TA, Gueorguieva, R, Howell, H, McCaherty, A, and K Yonkers, “See One, Do One, Order One: A Study Protocol for Testing Three Strategies for Implementing Motivational Interviewing on Medical Inpatient Units,” Implementation Science, 10:138, 2015.
  • Olmstead, TA, Cohen, JP, and N Petry, “Healthcare Service Utilization in Substance Abusers Receiving Contingency Management and Standard Care Treatments,” Addiction, 107, 1462-1470, 2012.
    Olmstead, TA, Abraham, AJ, Martino, S, and P Roman, “Counselor Training in Several Evidence-Based Psychosocial Addiction Treatments in Private US Substance Abuse Treatment Centers,” Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 120, 149-154, 2012.
  • Olmstead, TA, Carroll, K, Canning-Ball, M, and S Martino, “Cost and Cost-effectiveness of Three Strategies for Training Clinicians in Motivational Interviewing,” Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 116, 195-202, 2011.
    Olmstead, TA, Ostrow, C, and K Carroll, “Cost Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Training in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy as an Adjunct to Standard Care for Addiction,” Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 110, 200-207, 2010.
  • Olmstead, TA, and N Petry, “The Cost Effectiveness of Prize-based and Voucher-based Contingency Management in a Population of Cocaine- or Opioid-dependent Outpatients,” Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 102, 108-115, 2009.
  • Rash, CJ, Olmstead, TA, and N Petry, “Income Does Not Affect Response to Contingency Management Treatments Among Community Substance Abuse Treatment-seekers,” Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 104, 249-253, 2009.
  • Olmstead, TA, Sindelar, JL, Easton, CJ, and K Carroll, “The Cost-Effectiveness of Four Treatments for Marijuana Dependence,” Addiction, 102:9, 1443-1453, 2007.
  • Olmstead, TA, Sindelar, JL, and N Petry, “Clinic Variation in the Cost-Effectiveness of Contingency Management,” American Journal on Addictions, 16:6, 457-460, 2007.
  • Sindelar, JL, Olmstead, TA, and J Peirce, “Cost-Effectiveness of Prize-Based Contingency Management in Methadone Maintenance Treatment Programs,” Addiction, 102:9, 1463-1471, 2007.
  • Olmstead, TA, Sindelar, JL, and N Petry, “Cost-Effectiveness of Prize-Based Incentives for Stimulant Abusers in Outpatient Psychosocial Treatment Programs,” Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 87:2/3, 175-182, 2007.
  • Olmstead, TA, Roman, PM, Johnson, JA and Sindelar, JL, “Why are Recovering Substance Abuse Counselors Paid Less?” Substance Abuse, 28:1, 31-44, 2007.
  • Olmstead, TA and JL Sindelar, “Does the Impact of Managed Care on Substance Abuse Treatment Services Vary By Provider Profit Status?” Health Services Research, 40:6, 1862-1882, 2005.
  • Sindelar, JL and TA Olmstead, “Managed Care’s Dual Impact on Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment: Methadone Maintenance vs. Drug Free,” Journal of Drug Issues, 35:3, 501-522, 2005.
  • Olmstead, TA and JL Sindelar, “To What Extent Are Key Services Offered in Treatment Programs for Special Populations?” Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 27:1, 9-15, 2004.
  • Olmstead, TA, White, W and JL Sindelar, “The Impact of Managed Care on Substance Abuse Treatment Services,” Health Services Research, 39:2, 319-344, 2004.
  • Coglianese, C, Nash, J and TA Olmstead, “Performance-Based Regulation: Prospects and Limitations in Health, Safety, and Environmental Protection,” Administrative Law Review, 55:4, 2003
  • Olmstead, TA, “Freeway Management Systems and Motor Vehicle Crashes: A Case Study of Phoenix, Arizona,” Accident Analysis & Prevention, 33, 433-447, 2001.
  • Olmstead, TA, “A Pitfall to Avoid When Estimating Incident-Induced Delay Using Deterministic Queuing Models,” Transportation Research Record 1683, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC,  38-46, 1999.
  • Olmstead, TA and RJ Zeckhauser, “The Menu-Setting Problem and Subsidized Prices: Drug Formulary Illustration,” Journal of Health Economics, 18, 523-550, 1999.
  • Hartmann, ME, and TA Olmstead, “Solving Sequential Knapsack Problems,” Operations Research Letters, 13, 225-232, 1993.

Book Chapters

  • Olmstead, TA, Casey KA, Weden D, Stuckey G, and D Evans, “Funding Mental Health Care in the US: A Story of Unhealthy Complexity,” in S Harris, S Strakowski (eds.), Redesigning the US Mental Health Care System, Oxford University Press, NY, NY, 2024.
  • Sindelar, JL and TA Olmstead, “Illicit Drug Use and Drug-Related Crime,” in A. Jones (ed.), Elgar Companion to Health Economics, 2nd ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, Brookfield, US, 2012.
  • Olmstead, TA, “The Safety Benefits of Freeway Management Systems and Motorist Assistance Patrols,” in E. Bekiaris and Y. J. Nakanishi (eds.), Economic Impacts of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Innovations and Case Studies, Research in Transportation Economics Series, Elsevier Science Publishers, The Netherlands, 2004.

Awards and Honors

  • LBJ School Excellence in Teaching Award, UT-Austin, 2023
  • Best Taught Class, LBJ School of Public Affairs, UT-Austin, 2020
  • Most Patient Professor, LBJ School of Public Affairs, UT-Austin, 2019
  • Most Engaging Teaching Style, LBJ School of Public Affairs, UT-Austin, 2018
  • Best Quantitative Teaching Skills for Non-Quantitative Students, LBJ School, UT-Austin, 2018
  • School of Public Policy Teaching Award, George Mason University, 2011
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower Graduate Research Fellowship, Federal Highway Administration, 1997-2000
  • New England University Transportation Center Fellowship, Harvard University, 1996
  • Predoctoral Fellowship, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 1995
  • Graduate Fellowship, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1991
  • Presidential Fellowship, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1987-1988
  • Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honor Society, 1987
  • Omega Rho, National Honorary Operations Research Society, 1987

Professional/Academic Affiliations

American Society of Health Economists