Wrestles With Wolves: Saving the World One Species at a Time with Bill Konstant, CALS '74

Wednesday, September 6, 2023 - 6:00pm

Wrestles With Wolves is a memoir of a 40-year career spent in wildlife conservation around the world, by Cornell alumnus Bill Konstant (CALS ’74). A wildlife conservationist who describes his life as “Mowgli meets Forrest Gump” will take us on an adventurous trek to the frontlines of conservation that is at once touching, inspiring and funny. Bill’s career spans an era when major conservation organizations were just getting their sea legs under them, and Bill played many roles during those formative years.

Bill will also be signing books for purchase (or bring yours with you!), with all proceeds being donated to the student-run Zoo and Wildlife Society. Please join us on September 6th at 6:00PM in CVM LH4!

Register here: https://cglink.me/2ee/r2148625

This special event is presented by the Cornell Wildlife Health Center and the Zoo and Wildlife Society.