Epidurals For Blocked Goats
Urinary obstruction (being a “blocked goat”) is a very common and painful condition. This study will help us figure out the best way to control pain when goats have surgery to remove stones and resolve their problem.
The goal of this study is to test 3 different methods of pain control for goats having surgery to see which is most effective. The group will be randomly selected for your goat. All goats will receive pain medication.
Eligibility: Goats seen by the Nemo Farm Animal Hospital who have been diagnosed with a urinary obstruction are eligible.
Compensation: We will pay the cost of performing the epidural and the medications used in it. You will receive a 10% discount on the study-related visit. You are responsible for the costs of the surgery and any other care your goat needs that isn't related to the study.
Owner Responsibilities: We will randomly put your goat into one of the three study groups. There are no further responsibilities.
Principal Investigator: Rebecca McOnie, DVM, DACVS (Large Animal), Jordyn Boesch, DVM, DACVAA
Contact/Schedule an Appointment: If you have a goat you think may be eligible please call the Nemo Farm Animal Hospital at 607.253.3100 or email largeanimalsurgery@cornell.edu