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Coronavirus PCR Guidelines

Mammalian Alpha- and Beta-coronavirus PCR*

SpeciesEnteric Illness (diarrhea)Preferred SampleRespiratory IllnessPreferred SampleFever of Unknown Origin (systemic illness)Preferred Sample
FelineAlpha-coronavirus PCRFeces, swab in RT, intestinal tissue  Alpha-coronavirus PCR (FIP suspect testing)In order of preference:
Antemortem samples: Peritoneal/pleural fluid; unfixed tissue biopsy; EDTA whole blood; CSF; serum
Postmortem samples: unfixed, affected tissue; peritoneal/pleural fluid; CSF
CanineAlpha-coronavirus PCRFeces, swab in RT, intestinal tissueBeta-coronavirus PCRNasal swab in RT, lung tissue  
BovineBeta-coronavirus PCRFeces, swab in RT, intestinal tissueBeta-coronavirus PCRNasal swab in RT, lung tissue  
CamelidBeta-coronavirus PCRFeces, swab in RT, intestinal tissue    
EquineBeta-coronavirus PCRFeces, swab in RT, intestinal tissue    
Swine**Alpha-coronavirus PCR (TGE)Feces, swab in RT, intestinal tissueAlpha-coronavirus PCR (TGE)Nasal swab in RT, lung tissue  
FerretAlpha-coronavirus PCRFeces, swab in RT, intestinal tissue    
MinkAlpha-coronavirus PCRFeces, swab in RT, intestinal tissue    
BatResearch testing only at this time.  whole batAlpha and BetaBest tissue unknown

* The alpha-coronavirus and beta-coronavirus PCR assays offered by the Animal Health Diagnostic Center are crossreacting. That is, each will detect all of the respective alpha- or beta- coronaviruses indicated in this guide.  Please submit the indicated specimen(s).

** The viruses associated with Porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED/PDCov) are not detected by this assay and detection requires referral to another laboratory.

VSS-WEB-028-V01 9/23