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Animal Health News

(NY) Selenium deficiency continues to be diagnosed in cattle in NY, as exemplified in the following 3 recent cases. The first (Lewis County) was a submission of tissues from a 3-day-old dead...

(NY; Clinton county) Equine coronavirus infection was confirmed by PCR on fecal samples of 2 out of 3 horses submitted from an outbreak in which several horses presented with fevers and signs of...

(NY) Anaplasmosis: Anaplasma phagocytophilum was diagnosed via PCR on EDTA whole blood from a 7 month old foal. The foal was febrile (104 F) with soft, pale, fetid manure for one day. A hemogram and...

(NY) Listeria welshimeri was isolated on Listeria culture of the brain of a fresh two-year old Holstein dairy cow. This animal was not quite right at 6 days fresh. She had difficulties eating and...

(NY) Listeria monocytogenes was isolated on Listeria culture of the brain of a 3 year old Holstein dairy cow. The cow was in mid-lactation, with acute onset of neurologic signs. The cow was weak...

(NY) Equine Leptospirosis abortion was presumptively diagnosed based upon extremely elevated titers on the Lepto MAT test acutely (L. pomona ≥ 12,800) and histologic placentitis. Leptospira were not...

On February 19, 2022, The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) confirmed the presence of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in a...