News and Announcements
(NY) Listeriosis was diagnosed in an adult ewe. The ewe, found down, had a temperature of 104.7° F, was minimally responsive and blind. She died shortly after examination. Feed was round bales and...
(Non-NY) Herpesvirus 1 abortion: A 14-year-old Quarter horse mare developed a precocious udder and aborted two days later. She was 9 months pregnant at the time. The mare had been vaccinated...
(AL) Mycoplasma felis and Equine influenza were detected from a nasal swab in a three year old QH mare submitted for testing using the AHDC Equine Respiratory PCR Panel (ERPLN). The mare had...
An 18-month-old horse was found dead and was submitted for necropsy to the Animal Health Diagnostic Center. The horse was seen by an attending veterinarian a few days...
(N. America) In early October of 2018, a 12-week old "Sheltie" arrived from Korea. Approximately 12 days later, the dog began with a cough and lethargy with blood work indicating "anemia."
Administration of the medication pergolide for the treatment of equine Cushing's Disease or Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction (PPID) is now permitted by the United States Equestrian...
Caprine feces can now be tested for Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis using PCR for faster and more accurate results. Results are provided in 7-10 business days. If STAT testing is...
Please do not submit composite samples for diagnostics related to outbreaks of clinically ill NY animals for NYS Contract subsidized testing. The NYS Contract Subsidy program provides generous...
The AHDC uses the ELISA test as the default test for EIA. This decision was based on user demand and faster test turnaround time.
The AHDC will only perform the EIA AGID test when:
Two separate cases of abortion due to listeriosis were diagnosed in New York State. One occurred in an Angus cow and the other in a Nubian milking goat. Neither farm reported neurologic signs in...