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News and Announcements

A 340-head dairy in New England experienced eight abortions in the dry cow pen in a two-week period. This is a closed herd that has not received vaccinations in many years. A Jersey bull with...

A farm in the northeast had a Holstein embryo transfer calf that presented with chronic diarrhea and progressive emaciation. The herd veterinarian suspected Haplotype for Cholesterol Deficiency ...

(New England) A dairy goat herd recently experienced a series of late term abortions in their doelings. These doelings produced brown vaginal discharge several days prior to abortion. Differential...

(NY) A female, 3-month-old Ayrshire calf presented in late October for a 1-week history of inappetence, low-grade fever, and mucoid diarrhea. She was drooling excessively and was exhibiting signs...

In a recent analysis of Salmonella enterica culture results (excluding the bovine host-adapted serotype S. Dublin) at the Animal Health Diagnostic Center over the past 5 years, 1,770 isolates...

Clinical Pathology Laboratory

Submissions for flow cytometry may be sent to Colorado State University, on an as-needed basis, due to COVID-19 related staffing challenges. If this occurs, you...

Endocrinology Laboratory

The Endocrinology Work Group hosted at Tufts University has recently updated their equine metabolic syndrome recommendations. We consequently updated the information...

(NY) Actinomyces hyovaginalis in a goat: A female adult Toggenburg goat presented with a swollen, draining right hock joint and multiple skin lesions. The veterinarian collected joint fluid and...

Pectoral region that may be seen
affected in "pigeon fever"

(NY) A 6-year-old warmblood gelding was diagnosed with "pigeon fever," which is reportable in New York state. The gelding...

The Coagulation Laboratory now offers testing to monitor Apixaban (Eliquis) a new oral-acting anticoagulant drug. Key points for submission:

Test code = APBN Sample required = at...